Monday 5 December 2016

Career session @ Village with Intern

Intern's fourth issue was launching at Village, and with this came the option to book a one to one career slot with Alec, Holly or Joe Boyd.

The career session entailed some questions I had about working with publications in the future. Since I know this is my specialism in regards to design, I asked Alec about ways to start and for some advice. The advice I was given was that I should just go for it, and sometimes being self indulgent can pay off. I see myself working with magazines, and I'm even interested in starting my own, so this was sound advice for someone in my position.

We also discussed work experience, and ways to approach studios for visits and possible interning which is beneficial as it is a goal of mine to have multiple studio visits and two intern positions by the end of the academic year.

Overall it was a relaxed environment to basically talk and ask questions, no pressure. It offered me a lot of helpful advice for the future and actually motiviated me to follow what I want to do, because if I'm not enjoying it, what's the point?

PPP / Dr ME zine workshop

This session entailed a much needed collage/zine workshop, which enabled us to freely create as Dr ME said, 'happy accidents'. The aim was to make something using collage techniques. In all honesty, it was a much needed break from context of practice and allowed me to step out of the more academic side of the course and create something for fun.

There was materials to use at the ready, and we spent our time cutting and sticking to our hearts content.

The final piece was inspired by projects I'm currently working on in COP, and included experimenting with religious imagery on a more ambiguous level. It was fun!!!

Thursday 20 October 2016

PPP / Seek Lo

In 2008, my first ever twitter name was 'seeklois', with the concept that people will 'seek' out what I am doing. 

Revisiting this, this concept could be a less intrusive way of leaving out my last name within the focal identity, as opposed to last years crude branding which I feel does not represent me as a designer as much. This is a name I am familiar with and like the sound of, yet it does not mean I'm hiding my last name. It's almost a design motto, - seek me out for some sick graphic design. Seek me out to hire me. Self branding has to really try and capture you as a person and a designer which I feel this name will.

I will be refining my icon from last years branding as I also felt this suited the dark nature of my work, and also looks like an upside down L (bonus). Now that the name is established I will focus on creating and refining my self identity.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Roma Publication

During level 5 I really found an area of design which I wanted to build on, which was photography publications. I created an editorial piece of design based on photography and type around Poland, titled Polska, and wanted to expand this further during the Summer when I traveled to Rome.

I wanted this publication to be similar in a way that they could be seen together on a shelf, yet distinct in that this new publication is something fresh and interesting. Again, this contained photography I took throughout my trip to Rome. In countries such as Poland and Rome, there is a large catholic following and influence, meaning you can easily find multiple churches around most of these city's streets. I am extremely fascinated by religious imagery, ideas and art, so I chose to focus this publication more on the religious aspects of Rome, and portray these photos in a traditional way using black and white, yet create a sense of discomfort.

The publication is 44 pages, and I plan to try and get both Polska and Roma sold in a niche shop such as Village Bookshop, where photography publications like this can find its place.