Thursday 20 October 2016

PPP / Seek Lo

In 2008, my first ever twitter name was 'seeklois', with the concept that people will 'seek' out what I am doing. 

Revisiting this, this concept could be a less intrusive way of leaving out my last name within the focal identity, as opposed to last years crude branding which I feel does not represent me as a designer as much. This is a name I am familiar with and like the sound of, yet it does not mean I'm hiding my last name. It's almost a design motto, - seek me out for some sick graphic design. Seek me out to hire me. Self branding has to really try and capture you as a person and a designer which I feel this name will.

I will be refining my icon from last years branding as I also felt this suited the dark nature of my work, and also looks like an upside down L (bonus). Now that the name is established I will focus on creating and refining my self identity.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Roma Publication

During level 5 I really found an area of design which I wanted to build on, which was photography publications. I created an editorial piece of design based on photography and type around Poland, titled Polska, and wanted to expand this further during the Summer when I traveled to Rome.

I wanted this publication to be similar in a way that they could be seen together on a shelf, yet distinct in that this new publication is something fresh and interesting. Again, this contained photography I took throughout my trip to Rome. In countries such as Poland and Rome, there is a large catholic following and influence, meaning you can easily find multiple churches around most of these city's streets. I am extremely fascinated by religious imagery, ideas and art, so I chose to focus this publication more on the religious aspects of Rome, and portray these photos in a traditional way using black and white, yet create a sense of discomfort.

The publication is 44 pages, and I plan to try and get both Polska and Roma sold in a niche shop such as Village Bookshop, where photography publications like this can find its place.