Monday 27 February 2017

Internship 01 / Rabbit Hole / Report from Martyn


–Got to grips with an already designed brand identity and created a publication ready for print within the 5 days given. 

–Pushed that brand identity in places to create new ideas and add to a growing visual language. 

–Strong initial typographic and layout skills*

–Punctual and professional attitude. 

–Good attitude towards directions given, be that design direction/tips, time management or general advise about the design industry. 

Where to improve:


Look deeper into the brief, ask questions and challenge it. Spend a day looking at influences collating them and evaluating why they would work for the brief or why they might not. 


Needs to push and really exhaust the experimentation stage with the brand where appropriate and create lot’s of new directions to then evaluate and make decisions on what’s working and what’s not. 
Make sure those experiments are to the extremes i.e. Pushed massively in a new direction but keeping core elements of the brand then the complete opposite maybe stripping back and just having what’s needed. 
The more options you have the better the decisions you can make to get to the right solution. 

Typography & Layout

*Improvement of ‘craft' in terms of typography and layout. Think about baseline grids, type sizes and those little things that only the most anal of typographers and designers would notice. This will make you stand out from the crowd and change you from being an exciting, fresh designer to an exciting, fresh and meticulous designer. Once you have this strong base you can then go on to be more expressive and have the best of both worlds. 

Ref: Type Matters book. 

Time Management

We sat down and helped plan out days and priorities, this is something you can take and put into your own personal practice. It will help you organise projects, priorities what’s important and hopefully make for a less stressful experience. 

Step out of your comfort zone

When given a blank sheet to work from with a piece of content it was noticeable that design work tended to fall under your own 'stylist approach’. There is nothing wrong with having a stylistic approach but it needs to be correct for the subject matter or brand you are working for. Really try to step out of your comfort zone when designing. This will help you become a more rounded, experienced designer who can deal with a number of clients and projects. 

Decisions making.

Make decisions about what is right. Then be confident about those decisions. If the decision is right you will find it’s easy to be confident about it. If you find your self doubting your own decision it’s often the case it might have been the wrong one and it’s also harder to persuade or convince someone else (client, design peer) that it is right. 


Overall Lo has been a good edition to the team in the short time she has been here. Her work on the given project is what we would expect of a junior. We’d rather see work that might make a client a little nervous than work that won’t make them feel anything and get the ok straight away. The work you create feels fresh and has an edge to it but needs improvements that will come with time and practice. 

We wish you all the best from Rabbit Hole and hope to see a diverse, well crafted and exciting portfolio of work in the near future. 

All the best, 


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