Friday 17 March 2017

DBA / Initial Ideas

We wanted to incorporate Nootropics into the user's daily routine or habits. Ideas were put forth such as putting it into drinks, such as coffee, tea, energy drinks or chewing gum.

Our target audience was professionals within the ages 25-50, just at the age of feeling 'old'. Our product will aim to deliver a feeling of youthfulness that can be regained. This age range will benefit from the use of nootropics, but we considered how we can fit this into their busy daily lives.

Initially we aimed to create a coffee product, but this has already been done, and been done well.

From this research we decided to try another similar route which had not been done, and this was combining Nootropics with tea. 

Our idea stems from the Nootropics being as part of a familiar, daily routine. Tea is very familiar, comforting and is usually part of someones daily routine. We wanted a sense of empowerment whilst the consumer uses the product. I suggested the idea of using Greek Gods as the main element of the identity, which was then developed into a more substantial idea. Each different nootropic could be assigned to a different Greek God. The name of the brand which Jack suggested was "Teaós", an altered version of Theós, which is the greek name for 'God'. We all worked on various basic logos, and got feedback from DBA judges.

They liked the idea of putting Nootropics in tea, because of the  ritual factor. But they felt using Greek Gods could become a novelty and wouldn't appeal to the audience. We decided to come up with a new name and concept but stick to tea. It should be a quality, high end product sold in stores such as John Lewis, Harvy Nichols or Waitrose, still targetting the age range where the fear of becoming old and decrepid starts to happen. 

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