Sunday 14 May 2017

PPP / Module Evaluation

PPP is a module that is highly beneficial in terms of gaining knowledge and experience within industry. Additionally it is an opportunity to reflect on how you want to communicate yourself as a designer, for potential clients and work opportunities, through self identity. 

During PPP this year I have gained a wider knowledge of the industry, through completing two internships over the course of the module. Both of these placements provided a different learning experience through their professional approaches. Rabbit Hole was an extremely professional and quiet setting, offering me experience within the industry and about my craft. I worked on a project for a week, and in this time I felt I learned a lot about creating professional and tight work, with software advice, industry advice and tips for extra resources to read. In Bradford at Everyday Something, there was definitely a different atmosphere, whilst more relaxed, there was still a sense of professionalism established within the studio. Here, I worked on a number of projects which furthered multiple skills as a designer such as working with video, analogue techniques and also completing live work for large companies such as Oakley. 

Completing collaborative tasks this year within PPP was refreshing but also gave me an insight to how I like to approach a brief, and sometimes this was not reflected within the group work. Experience with collaboration gives the designer the tools to work even more efficiently next time, and ensure the dynamic of the group work is effective in terms of producing good quality work. 

Out of university I have attended multiple talks and creative events such as the Intern careers evening which gave me advice for starting a magazine in the future, from Alec Dudson, an aspiration of mine for after university. 

Overall I feel I have learned a lot about myself as a person and who I am as a creative within the industry this year. I feel I have gained the most experience this year than previously in levels 5 and 6, by contacting multiple studios within the UK and also within Berlin. By establishing that this is a location I am interested in working in the future, it is important to make yourself known now, which is what I will be doing after university and in the future. 

PPP / WIP Portfolio

It's always important to have a portfolio with examples of your work for potential clients and studios to look at concisely and efficiently. For this years PPP module submission, I have produced a small promotional pack with 'teasers' of my work, but for future client/work opportunities, I have began to produce my main portfolio with CV and examples of my best work. It's still a work in progress but you can see the basis of what will be created after this year's deadlines.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

PPP / Promotional Pack

Last year I produced a promotional pack which I felt was successful due to its consistency and professionality (experimentation with stock, etc).


Keeping it simple, as it's a teaser/mini portfolio which does not need extensive explanation for each project. Maximum of 3 projects within the booklet. Keeps to the consistent self branding guidelines.


The promotional pack this year follows the same reflective aesthetic as the business cards, adding continuity across the deliverables. The reflective surface represents seeing yourself in a mirror, and staying true to yourself, crucial to my own practice and life motto. 

The pack contains CV, mini portfolio & business card, in a bubbled envelope for decoration and protection.  These can be sent off to studios, as it is a bit more interactive than just sending an email, and may result in them remembering me more.   

Monday 8 May 2017

PPP / Self Branding / Final Business Cards

The logo is sandblasted onto the front of the business cards, and on the back the information is cut out of black vinyl, which is durable and easy to read. 

Overall I'm extremely proud of how these look, and feel they really communicate my style and process as a designer. I want to create more adventurous resolutions such as this in the future and thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with vinyl and sandblasting. 

Thursday 4 May 2017

PPP / Self Branding / Brand Extension

To further push my identity and allow it to be recognised across my final projects, I have incorporated it into a selection of my briefs for extended practice. Since I concentrate mainly on editorial work, the logo is usually printed on the back cover as my 'signature'. This is an example of how to extend my brand and get my logo recognised.

Monday 1 May 2017

PPP / Self Branding / Pushing My Brand

Since I have chosen to create business cards out of metal, I feel this should now be pushed onto the rest of the brand’s identity such as promotional pack. It is not feasible to use metal on a promotional pack, as it would be too rigid and could take too much of my current time trying to figure out how to utilise the material. To solve this, I will use materials which mimic the metal treatment, such as reflective stock or vinyl. In the print room there is vinyl which has a very similar appearance to the aluminium used on my business cards, which should be perfect to use and continue the brand on any promotional material such as CV/Portfolio preview booklet/prints. As for any packaging to send out the promo pack, last year I used a company which supply bubbled envelops in which you can buy in many different colours and finishes. They stock a very reflective metallic finish which could be perfect, but I should request a sample to ensure it’s correct. 

I also picked up some reflective wrapping paper to test out if that is effective. Firstly, the design must be created keeping these materials in mind.