Sunday 14 May 2017

PPP / Module Evaluation

PPP is a module that is highly beneficial in terms of gaining knowledge and experience within industry. Additionally it is an opportunity to reflect on how you want to communicate yourself as a designer, for potential clients and work opportunities, through self identity. 

During PPP this year I have gained a wider knowledge of the industry, through completing two internships over the course of the module. Both of these placements provided a different learning experience through their professional approaches. Rabbit Hole was an extremely professional and quiet setting, offering me experience within the industry and about my craft. I worked on a project for a week, and in this time I felt I learned a lot about creating professional and tight work, with software advice, industry advice and tips for extra resources to read. In Bradford at Everyday Something, there was definitely a different atmosphere, whilst more relaxed, there was still a sense of professionalism established within the studio. Here, I worked on a number of projects which furthered multiple skills as a designer such as working with video, analogue techniques and also completing live work for large companies such as Oakley. 

Completing collaborative tasks this year within PPP was refreshing but also gave me an insight to how I like to approach a brief, and sometimes this was not reflected within the group work. Experience with collaboration gives the designer the tools to work even more efficiently next time, and ensure the dynamic of the group work is effective in terms of producing good quality work. 

Out of university I have attended multiple talks and creative events such as the Intern careers evening which gave me advice for starting a magazine in the future, from Alec Dudson, an aspiration of mine for after university. 

Overall I feel I have learned a lot about myself as a person and who I am as a creative within the industry this year. I feel I have gained the most experience this year than previously in levels 5 and 6, by contacting multiple studios within the UK and also within Berlin. By establishing that this is a location I am interested in working in the future, it is important to make yourself known now, which is what I will be doing after university and in the future. 

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