Wednesday 10 May 2017

PPP / Promotional Pack

Last year I produced a promotional pack which I felt was successful due to its consistency and professionality (experimentation with stock, etc).


Keeping it simple, as it's a teaser/mini portfolio which does not need extensive explanation for each project. Maximum of 3 projects within the booklet. Keeps to the consistent self branding guidelines.


The promotional pack this year follows the same reflective aesthetic as the business cards, adding continuity across the deliverables. The reflective surface represents seeing yourself in a mirror, and staying true to yourself, crucial to my own practice and life motto. 

The pack contains CV, mini portfolio & business card, in a bubbled envelope for decoration and protection.  These can be sent off to studios, as it is a bit more interactive than just sending an email, and may result in them remembering me more.   

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