Monday 3 April 2017

DBA / The Identity


Since the packaging would need to support lose-leaf tea, it needed to be sturdy. We also aimed for packaging that was transparent so the consumer can see the product, this creates a more honest and credible brand as there's nothing to hide. The demographic is 30-50 year olds who have disposable income and can afford to spend money on this category of products, so a luxurious feel will also be more likely to attract these customers. We also wanted to use a packaging that can be upcycled, giving it more life after they are finished with the product - again this links in with the idea of making more for your money, but also ties in with our nature themed branding.


The hand rendered logo personifies the brand and incorporates humanistic and personal qualities. Since there is Nootropics inside the product, we wanted to create something trustworthy and friendly. Someones hand writing/signature is associated with 'signing' something in trust, boosting the feel of credibility. It also gives Mr Potter more life, as a key asset to the brand. This comes in two parts, the signature (for the front of the packaging) and the stamp (full logo).

Wrap Around

The design for the packaging we felt needed a lot of life and adventure to futher push the brand and story of Mr Potter. They featured many plants and came in 3 colours to represent each flavour, and different time of day. Breakfast is the morning, Green is the daytime and Camomile at night. The wrap was designed to fit around the tin but leave a window to see the tea. 

The tins will also have a small leaflet with the story of Mr Potter inside. 

Final Packaging

With all this in mind we produced the packaging using stickers for the wrap around and sand blasting the logo onto the tin.

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