Friday 28 April 2017

PPP / LIFT Publication Cover

I was approached by level 6 Photography student Beth Sonnenthal to design a front cover for her photography publication featuring women who powerlift, titled LIFT. She wanted a minimal cover just using type, so I took this as a nice opportunity to do a quick brief, and I liked the theme of the project.

Beth was open to any ideas and just wanted a heavy typeface and a design that would make the publication stand out.

Beth liked the idea of adding weights to the type but wasn't sure it would suit her photography. Instead she really liked the condensed typeface because of its humanistic structures and connotations of power and 'lifting'. The forms are elongated, to represent those in the publication achieving goals and lifting weights upwards.

In the end Beth's preferences where the pink and orange versions which I sent for her to use on her project. This brief was fast and helped me develop communication with clients on something fast and straightforward.

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