Saturday 15 April 2017

Rabbit Hole / A2 Artwork / Developments & Final Artwork

Using hand rendered techniques with the phrase 'love is love', however this isn't communicated through the imagery enough. I wanted to draw similarities and a reminder of the awful history that the holocaust was, since concentration camps are being used again in Russia. I combined the image found on news sites about the Chechnya camps, and imagery I took in Auschwitz of the barbed wire in the camp. 

This text reads 'remember their history'. 

More experiments with compositions. Added the Russian crest for more context. Keeping to the same colours of the flag.

I felt there needed to be an indication of the links between sexuality and Russia, which could help the audience understand what the poster is about more, as currently it looks a little ambiguous. 

I liked where this was going now, so I asked Rhys what he thought the poster was about, and he got it correct, so this was a good indication that someone who has no idea about the idea can grasp what it's about. 

Now I refined it.

Pink softens the harsh context and imagery, allows the flag to stand out. Desaturated the flag to work more suitably with the colour choices. Added Putin for mysterious effect and context. 

This will now be sent to Martyn @ Rabbit Hole. 

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