Thursday 13 April 2017

Rabbit Hole / A2 Artwork / Brainstorming

I began to brainstorm ideas. The first two stem from a brief I was going to complete for extended practice but was not able to due to time, and it includes collating pictures of objects on the street that you wonder how it ended up there, like one glove...a sock etc. The concept would surround the idea of being discarded or lost.

The second two concepts come from areas which have bothered me in the past/still do:

Women and Youtube/Social media

You can't get away from misogynistic comments all over youtube especially I have noticed. On women's videos, a lot of people comment on the appearance, their bodies, and I've seen a lot of blatant rape culture. This idea could be to collect real life comments which really highlight blatant sexism behind the mask that is the internet.

Russia's Homophobia

In recent news it has came about that in Chechnya, Russia, LGBTQ+ individuals have been gathered and put in concentration camps. In 2017. A subject I am very passionate about could create a good piece of work with a good meaning.

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