Saturday 15 April 2017

Rabbit Hole / A2 Artwork / Initial ideas

Using imagery of guns to create an authoritarian tone, layered with images of people being apprehended or attacked at LGBTQ+ rallies. Utilising colours of Russian flag for context. Doesn't really make much sense in terms of sending a message against this behaviour. 

'Equality for Russia' overlayed on an image of a man with a bleeding nose, shows pain that Russian people face. 

Using texture and the simple word 'Equality' with same colour system. Not dynamic enough, needs another element such as image or treatment to the text.

Using imagery, experimenting with text positioning and layering to create magnified effect to represent volume and depth, avoiding the text looking too flat alongside textured imagery. 

Feedback concluded that it may not be obvious enough what the word is representing, and to try and use the colours vertically to represent the Russian flag further. 

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